Friday, February 21, 2025

WORLD LIVER DAY 2022 : Keep your Liver Safe With These Useful Tips


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As we celebrate the World Liver Day 2022, it is important to realize Liver as an integral element of the body

April 19 is observed as World Liver Day 2022 . The day is celebrated in order to create awareness among the people about the role of the liver in the overall health of the body. Also it makes people more enlightened about the diseases and conditions related to the liver. Liver is a vital organ of the human body. Besides playing an integral part in the digestion through Bile, it helps to detoxify our body also.

Functions of Liver

Here are some of the integral function that the liver performs

  • Bile Production
  • Helps in the storage of sugar
  • Removes toxins and diseases
  • Processing and storage of Vitamins and essential elements
  • Controls Fats, Proteins and Carbohydrates in the blood
  • Regulation of hormones that help in the clotting.

Type 2 Diabetes and Liver failure in India

In India, the main cause of liver failure is Type 2 diabetes. 

Cause of Diabetes 2

During Diabetes Type 2 , the blood sugar (glucose) in the body is very high. The incidences of Liver transplants have increased as the number of Diabetes cases increased. According to an article published in TOI by a known physician Sanjay Basu, there are likely to be 98 million Indians suffering from Diabetes. Dr Basu related the rise to growing consumption of sugars.

Diabetes is a global disease. While some factors can be hereditary, there are others that are based on life style.

The importance of liver in our body can be marked from the fact that there are over 500 functions that the organ performs. Dr Shweta Gogia explains the functions of liver.

Tips to safeguard the health of liver

1.Taking Plant-based diets in diet

Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, Pulses not only lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, but consequently lowers the liver failure. Here are some tips to safeguard your liver. Avoid the consumption of refined food. It eliminates the essential nutrients.

2.Coffee: Drinking Coffee lowers the risk of Liver Failure.

3.Doctors Consultations and Medicines: Consult a doctor if one is feeling tired or has symptoms of Jaundice. Don’t consume medicine without a physician’s consultation.

4. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking

Excess consumption of alcohol affects your liver and can cause Cirrhosis. Also, smoking besides being unhealthy to your lungs can result in fatty liver disease and other metabolic disorders.

5. Maintain proper Body Mass Index

Body mass index (BMI) should be between 18-25. Regular healthy exercise and a balanced diet helps you to maintain your BMI level. Thus one is advised to be disciplined in the choice of food. Also regular exercise can help to lower the risk of a fatty liver.

Also read: World Health Day-Benefits of a Healthy life style

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