Home Entertainment Cinema Sushant Singh’s Bucket List: Bollywood star’s To-Do List in Life

Sushant Singh’s Bucket List: Bollywood star’s To-Do List in Life

Sushant Singh Bucket List

Remembering Sushant Singh Rajput ahead of his second death anniversary here’s looking at the list of 50 dreams. Find out how many he accomplished.

From the role of a doting father whose son attempts suicide in ‘Chichore’ to the biopic of one of India’s greatest batsmen MS Dhoni, his resume is nothing less than impressive. An actor who became a heartthrob of millions from his very first movie, ‘Kai Po Che’ rose to become one of Bollywood’s leading actors. Millions of admirers and his family still are awaiting an answer to his mysterious death for it is hard to associate the suicide with his inherent character. Here is a glimpse of Sushant Singh’s Bucket List that had desires he wanted to fulfill. Although he could finish only 12, his short career span had so many moments that we can take inspiration from.

Sushant Singh Death Anniversary
Sushant Singh Death Anniversary

Sushant Singh’s life was a Rollercoaster journey in varied emotions of Joy, Happiness, and Love

Remembering Sushant Singh Rajput, here is an excerpt of his backup plan in case his movies failed at the box office. An avid Physics Enthusiast, dreamer, and achiever he aspired to achieve milestones in life. Sushant Singh’s Bucket List included his admiration for his alma matter, Astronomy, and his love for science. Being a science student myself, I find all this very intriguing. There is no doubt that his persona reflected a child-like innocence, that was reflected in his bucket list as well.

Sushant Singh’s Bucket List: List of Things he wanted to achieve

Sushant Singh’s Bucket List: How many he achieved and the ones he didn’t?

Although Sushant had 150 dreams that he wanted to fulfill, he reduced them to a 50 dreams bucket list to fulfill in his lifetime. He shared the list on the social media platform. He managed to accomplish 12 out of the 50. Here is the list of the dreams and the order in which he accomplished them. Looking at his child like enthusiasm, it would not have been surprising if he would have accomplished them all.

1.Flying a Plane

Twelve days after he shared the list on the platform, he posted a 35 second video of him ticking the first wish, which was flying an airplane. He updated his eager fans on the status of the wishlist. #Livingmydreams #Lovingmydreams.

Sushant Flying a Plane

2. Playing Cricket with a Left Hand

Not many know that before signing MS Dhoni: An Untold Story, he was an admirer of the Indian captain and loved the game. His sister, Mitu Singh, has been a state-level cricketer. The third in his To-Do-List was to, “Play a Cricket Match left-handed. He captioned it with a smiley emoticon which said Live Soon and checked Dream 3/50-Play a cricket match left handed.

3.Training for Iron Man Triathlon

Triathlon is one of the world’s hardest-known endurance races. The participant is expected to swim 3.8 km in open water, cycle 180 km, and then run for 42.195 km in a single day. Looking at his training regime below, one can easily understand how much goal-driven Sushant was. He posted his training session routine along with a caption -Dream 2/50-, Participate in IRONMAN Triathlon.


Sushant Singh’s Bucket List Continued……

Sushant posted the remaining set of his wish list on social media. He continued to check the list of the accomplished tasks. Many people know about Sushant’s love for Astrophysics. Not many people, he had also booked a plot on the moon. He even owned a large Telescope, through which he gazed at the Milky way. In one of the Asian paints promotion videos, he gave a glimpse of the telescope and The second set of goals included a range of wishes from charting the trajectories of Moon and Planets to his dream of planting 1000 trees. Its indeed overwhelming and emotional as well in understanding the physique of the actor during planning of his bucket list.

4.Dive in a Blue Hole

Ninth on Sushant Singh’s Bucket list was his desire to dive into Blue Hole. He fulfilled his dream when he dived blue hole (a marine underwater sinkhole situated in Belize, Central America). A talented man he was, this shows his adventurous side as well.

Diving into Deep Blue in Belize, Central America

5. Spend an evening in DEC, Hostel

Now known to everyone, Sushant Singh was a Mechanical Engineering student at Delhi Engineering College. Also included in the wish list was to spend an evening at his Alma Matter, which he indirectly realized through his last cinematic outing ‘Chhichhore’. A memorable film in which the actor conveys a hopeful message to everyone to stay strong and fight with a chin-up in case of any adversary.

Actor shared unique interests through his Bucket list

Sushant Singh Wish List was diverse consisting from understanding Vedic Astrology to getting six-pack abs in 6 months. Besides short term goals, Sushant had long term plans of playing poker to writing a book and understanding Vedic astrology,. Another of his dream was to paint the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis.

Sushant’s Wish List Part 3

6.Sushant love for Sinkholes

Sushant Singh’s Bucket list included his love for Sinkholes, After Belize he fulfilled his 21st wish which was to Swim in Cenotes. Returning to his love for sinkholes, the actor had also mentioned that he wanted to swim in Cenotes, which he managed to achieve in September 2019.

7. Disneyland

Sushant Singh’s Bucket List included a visit to Disneyland at number 25 which he visited in the year 2019.

8. CERN(European Organization of Nuclear Research)

Sushant Singh was just not an ordinary Bollywood star. A unique mix of intellect, ambition, and adventure he was unique in every which way. His bucket list is proof of his passion for science, physics, astronomy, and adventure at the same time. He checked the 17th point off his list when he visited the European Organization for Nuclear Research, and spend an entire day at the Large Hadron Collider, CERN. Look at the smile on his face, resembling that of a Toddler having got a new toy. After CERN , the next on his list was Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory in the US.

Sushant Singh’s third set of wish lists included Riding a Horse, Telescope, and Antarctica visit

Sushant’s third set again included wishes from Riding a horse to Antarctica visit. Let’s see what wishes he was able to accomplish.

9. Peek into Andromeda Galaxy

Sushant’s love for Astronomy is known to all. During one of the episodes of Asian paints where the heart is, one gets a glimpse of his drive for adventure and his love for astronomy. There is a huge Telescope MEADE 600, through which the actor watched Galaxies, Saturn Rings, and much more.

Sushant Singh Rajput and his Telescope

10. Teaching women Self-Defense

Not many believe that he has taught self-defense to women and it was on his wish list as well. It was his dream to train more and more women in Self-Defense. The dream was 33rd on his wish list.

Rajput’s Final List again was a mix of adventure and his thirst of knowledge

Sushant Singh’s Bucket List final section revealed his admiration of Physics and adventure. From learning to perfect bow and arrow to conducting experiments on Cymatics, he did it all.

11. Holding Bow and Arrow

Thirty Seventh on the list of Sushant Singh’s Bucket list was Holding a bow and arrow. He stricked off point from his list of being an ambidextrous archer. “Perfection resides in the ‘next’ repetition. Passion lies in the ‘present’ one,” his post read.

12. Perform experiments on Cymatics- Study of Visible Sound

Sushant accomplished one goal from his last set which was performing experiments on Cymatics.


There hardly was an actor of his caliber in the Bollywood Industry and it won’t be an overstatement that there will be.

Also read: Kriti paid Sushant a Tribute in a Unique way

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