Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cheetahs savoured first meal in India since Landing


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Eight Cheetahs bought from Namibia were served food for the first time since their arrival. For the unversed eight Cheetahs were released in Kuno National Park on Monday.

Its hardly been three days that our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi released eight Cheetahs at Kuno National Park, Madhya Pradesh. Released under the Project Cheetah, these fastest felines on Earth are brought from Namibia. Since then these are released into an enclosure in Sheopur district. Project Cheetah seeks to restore the population of Cheetah since they became extinct 70 years ago in 1952. Released Cheetahs savoured first meal since their arrival in the country. While Siblings Freddy and Alton, two of the eight cheetahs frisked in the enclosure, others namely Savannah, Sasha and the four other Obaan, Asha, Cibili, Saisa all seemed in good spirits.

Cheetahs released in India
Cheetahs released in India

Namibian Cheetahs savoured first meal, each received 2 Kg Buffalo meat

Since arriving from Namibia, Africa, the Cheetahs received their first meal on Sunday. Each Cheetah received 2 Kilogram of buffalo meat. These Namibian Cheetahs, five females and three males are aged from 30-66 years. Out of the eight Cheetahs only one ate less. However the officials reported nothing concerning. So far the Cheetahs looked Cheerful and officials are keeping a vigil on their movements. The Indian Prime Minister had asked people to have patience and give Cheetahs time to adjust to their new surroundings. Also, these Cheetahs were seen running in a playful mood. They were named in Namibia itself.

Big Cats shed their hesitation as they adjust to their new habitat

Slowly the Cheetahs appear to be adjusting to their new habitat. What seemed to be an alien place, the big cats are slowly getting used to what shall be now their home. Cage had ‘ASHA’ written on it, the hindi word for hope. The veterinarians are watching over the Cheetahs in the enclosure before they are released in the wild. Prime Minister had stressed on the need to give Cheetahs some time.

“Cheetahs are our guests; we should give them a few months to make Kuno National Park their home,”

Prime Minister requesting people to give Cheetahs time to adjust

Kuno National Park is spread over an area of 750 sq kms, on the northern side of Vidhyachal mountains.

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